Kenosha County Power of Attorney Lawyer

Attorney Assisting With Advance Directives in Sturtevant and Lake Geneva
Nobody knows what their life will bring, which is why it is important to plan for the unexpected. People of any age should be sure their needs will be met if circumstances ever arise in which they are unable to make decisions for themselves. Powers of attorney can address these situations, and they are an important part of a comprehensive estate plan. In addition, advance directives are an available tool that can provide additional peace of mind.
At Frozena Law LLC, we are dedicated to helping our clients plan for the future, and we can provide you with the guidance you need on your journey through life. We are prepared to address any concerns you may have about the management of your property and healthcare if you are unable to make your own decisions. We will ensure that you have a full understanding of your options, and we will work with you to put a plan in place that protects your interests and well-being.
Powers of Attorney
When you create a power of attorney agreement, you will name an agent who is authorized to make decisions on your behalf. You can give your agent broad authority to make decisions, or their authority may be limited to specific decisions or situations. In some cases, limited powers of attorney can be created that will only be in effect for a short period time or for very specific purposes.
There are two types of powers of attorney in the estate planning context:
- Power of attorney for healthcare - This authorizes your agent to make decisions about your health and well-being, including the medical treatment you will receive, whether you should be admitted to a hospital or nursing home, or whether any life-preserving treatments should be given or withheld. Healthcare power of attorney will typically go into effect if you become incapacitated.
- Power of attorney for finances - This authorizes your agent to make decisions about your financial affairs, including managing your bank accounts, buying or selling property, filing insurance claims, and paying taxes, debts, or financial obligations. Financial powers of attorney typically go into effect as soon as the agreement is executed, but they may take effect on a certain date or under specific circumstances, such as your incapacitation.
Powers of attorney can help you ensure that your needs will be addressed, and they can be very beneficial if you are nearing the end of your life or if you have special needs that will require you to receive assistance from a loved one. In many cases, powers of attorney can be used to avoid guardianship, which can help you make sure you will be properly cared for without the need for court involvement or supervision. When creating powers of attorney, it is beneficial to work with an experienced lawyer who can help you tailor the document to meet your needs and ensure that your wishes are carried out correctly.
Other Advance Directives
In addition to powers of attorney, other legal documents can help you communicate your wishes. These include:
- Living will - Also known as a Declaration to Physicians, this allows you to specify your wishes about the life-sustaining medical treatment you do or do not want to receive if you are in a terminal condition or persistent vegetative state.
- Do not resuscitate (DNR) order - This document allows you to state that you do not want emergency medical technicians or staff in an emergency room to attempt CPR if you go into cardiac arrest. A DNR order is completed with your physician, not an attorney.
- Final disposition instructions - This will allow you to specify how your remains will be handled after your death, including instructions for burial or cremation and body donation.
Contact a Burlington Estate Planning Lawyer
When creating powers of attorney, you should be sure to name an agent that you can trust to manage your healthcare and/or finances in the manner you desire. We can assist you in creating advance directives that will ensure that your wishes will be followed correctly and that you will have the care you need, no matter what happens. Contact our office at 262-237-8668 to learn more. We provide estate planning services in Kenosha, Pleasant Prairie, Sturtevant, Racine, Union Grove, Lake Geneva, Burlington, and Bristol.